A Man's Must-Read Book List


The Fortress of Solitude

Fortress of Solitude Book - White Spade Beard


Why it's a must read:

It's a great story about struggle and how men treat other men. Racial Tensions, gentrification, and brooklyn living.  




The Magic of Thinking Big

Magic of thinking big - White Spade Beards


Why it's a must read:

For some reason, we've become a society of thinking small. There needs to be more people that have big ideas and big problems that they have an urge to solve. This book readjusts your mindset. 






Less Than Zero

Less Than Zero White Spade Beard


Why it's a must read:

A great fictional story that comments on materialism and a lack of spirituality in today's youth. This one is a fun read. 





Lolita - White Spade Beard - Must read books




Why it's a must read:

It's Nabokov's most controversial writing.  Filled with love, passion, obsession and madness.  


Everyone Loves You When You're Dead

White Spade Beard - Must Read books



Why it's a must read:

Get personal with the people you see on TV. A look at the dysfunctionality of being famous. 

Nick Sky
Nick Sky


Nick is the founder and Head Beard at White Spade Beard

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