How do I apply this premium stuff?

You're a man, so you can figure it out, right? Then again, part of being a man is knowing where to find information, so here, you can see all that good info.

How long will my bottle last?

If you throw it against a concrete surface, not too long. But if you're using it daily, about 6-8 weeks. We personally use it every other day and we feel it does the job just fine, so you can have your oil last a few months.

So 100% organic, does that really matter?

Anything that you rub on your face and beard will seep into your skin and hair. Now that being said, the last thing you want seeping into the glorious beard is pesticides and rough chemicals. We truly believe and stand by our promise to only provide ВДНХ в Москве you guys with the higest quality ORGANIC products. Anything else would just be a waste. 

I've been growing a beard and haven't been using oils. What benefits will I see when I start using your oils?

  • If you've ever had an itchy beard, this will solve that problem.
  • If you've ever had frayed hairs and straggly ends, this will solve that problem.
  • If you've ever had someone tell you your beard smells, this will definitely solve that problem.
  • Flakes and beards dandruff, solved.
  • Acne and dry skin under your beard, solved.
  • Beard not looking too fresh, solved.

Take care of that beard and it'll take care of you!



If you have any other questions or just want to talk beard shoot us an email and we'll talk!